Monday, November 24, 2014

Ch. 12 - Services and Nonprofit Organization Marketing

PetSmart charities is a nonprofit animal welfare organizations that saves the lives of thousands of homeless pets. All funding comes from pet parents who donate every time they check out at PetSmart. It is said that more than 400,000 dogs and cats find a home through PetSmarts adoption program and their adoption events. PetSmart Charities grants more money to help pets in need than any other animal welfare group in North America, focusing on funding spay/neuter services that help communities solve the problem of pet overpopulation.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Ch. 10 - Product Concepts

     The product concept in PetSmart suggests that consumers will prefer products that have better quality, performance and features as opposed to a normal product. PetSmart aims for customers satisfaction which is why they focus on the core product and the total product  of their merchandise.  It is the essential benefit, the delivery, credit and after sales services that Petsmart pays more attention to. PetSmart is a company that persuades customers to obtain their needs through their products, which is why they don't spend their focus and delivery in visuals when it regards food products. Its quality over visual in which they focus on with food products. However, when it comes to accessories for pets such as collars, beds, toys and even clothing, they make sure to focus on brand names and packaging. 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Ch. 17 - Personal Selling and Sales Management

      PetSmarts personal selling, a promotional method in which one party uses their skills as well as technique to build personal relationships with another party is firstly understanding the needs of their customers and their pets. Since PetSmarts number one priority is to achieve the needs of the pets and their parents they create a relationship selling through the process of learning, which basically means gathering feedback and information through surveys online. The Sales management done in PetSmart is having the products of each pet display in different aisles to make it easier for the customers to find. They also make sure to have a range of products to satisfy the customers’ demands, also known, as needs assessment.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Ch. 16 - Advertising, Public Relations and Sales Promotion


 PetSmart advertising is an institutional adverting because it focuses on enhancing the company's image rather than just a particular product. Due to Petsmart being a company who sells a variety of products for different types of pets, their advertising usually generalizes dogs and cats but also make sure to mention the phrase "The pets" or "Your pet".

   The sales promotion of PetSmart grows whenever there is a holiday coming up or at the end of that holiday. However, their sales promotion is persistently throughout the whole year with not only products sold inside the store but as well with the services PetSmart offers.